Frida Kahlo

How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier.

Is there an artist more recognizable than Frida Kahlo? She is the icon of the strong woman; of innovative art; and of over-coming adversity. She was born in 1907, and suffered from polio as a child. Ever after, Kahlo wore long skirts to hide her atrophied leg. While attending the prestigious National Preparatory School in Mexico City, Frida first saw the famous Diego Rivera as he painted a mural. She told a friend that some day she would marry him. After a traffic accident that left her with numerous broken bones, she took up painting to keep her occupied while enduring life in a full-body cast. Frida most often painted herself — she said that she was the subject that she knew best. In 1928, Kahlo approached Rivera, asking him for advice on her career. They became romantically involved and married in 1929. A tempestuous relationship ensued. Their’s was an open marriage with separate studios and separate living arrangements. Both of them had other partners and there was so much arguing that no one was surprised that they divorced — only to remarry in 1940. Through it all, she painted: pictures filled with pain and symbolism; with anger and Mexican heritage; with suffering and nature; with sensuality and political fervor. In her lifetime, she was recognized as a fine artist, selling works to collectors in New York City and Paris. After she died on July 13, 1954, her reputation languished, only to be resurrected in the 1990s, followed by a sort of Fridamania. Today she is honored as one of Mexico’s greatest artists and as a major contributor to feminist ideology.

Our meals, are from Frida’s Mexico, probably a bit Americanized, as has been Frida’s legacy.

Mexican Bake: 124 calories 6.5 g fat 1.5 g fiber 8.4 g protein 8 g carbs 76 mg Calcium  PB GF Queso, adobo, Mexican oregano – how much more flavor can we pack into these eggs? Try this, it is good.

¼ oz queso fresco one 2-oz egg 1 Tbsp green or red New Mexico chili 0.2 oz roasted red pepper Mexican oregano ½ tsp adobo 1.5 oz mango OR 1 oz blueberries + 1 oz melon, diced   Optional: 5 oz fruit smoothie or berry-yogurt smoothie [88 caloriesOptional: blackish coffee  [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait [65 calories] or lemon in hot water

Spritz a ramekin [for 2 people, Dear Husband prefers to use a 4×6” oval casserole] with oil or non-stick spray and set the toaster oven at 350F. Chop the roasted pepper and stir them into the chili, queso, and other flavorings. DO NOT ADD SALT. Whisk the egg and stir in the above mixture. Pour into the oven-proof dish and bake 12-15 minutes. Plate the fruit, prepare your beverage of choice. Eat con gusto/with pleasure.

Fajitas with Chicken + Vegetables: 286 calories 5 g fat 4 g fiber 24 g protein 35 g carbs 183 mg Calcium  PB GF – using corn tortillas  It is quick, delicious, and a good way to use vegetables. EatingWell is the source of this super easy meal.  HINT: This recipe serves 2 [two] people.

1 tsp oil + 3 tsp water + 6 oz chicken breast
2 c.[9.5 oz] veg, including: 3 oz sweet pepper + 4 oz zucchini + 1 oz red onion + 1.5 oz broccoli
1 tsp chili powder + 1 tsp Adobo
Cut meat into strips or shred if already cooked. Cut vegetables into strips or other edible sizes. Heat oil in wok, stirfry meat, vegetables, water, and seasonings  ~ 7 minutes or until cooked and vegetables begin to brown
four 5” yellow corn tortillas @ 60 cal each Wrap in damp kitchen towel and nuke 30-45 seconds. -OR- Warm on a griddle or in a dry skillet until pliable and starting to brown.
3 Tbsp plain nonfat yog = 2 tsp per tortillaSmear yogurt on each tortilla. Divide the meat/veg among the tortillas.
1 lime
¼ c cilantro leaves
Serve lime on the side, squeeze juice on fajita contents. Sprinkle with cilantro.

Ingredients for next week: Breakfast, single portion for Monday …………………………… single portion for Thursday:

1 two-oz egg = US large1.5 two-oz eggs  + mixed herbs
1 slice whole-grain bread, 70 caloriesJarlsberg cheese
apple or melonzucchini
peach or applesauce
optional smoothieoptional smoothie
optional hot beverageoptional hot beverage

Dinner, single portion for Monday:………………………….. single portion for Thursday:

olive oil + onion + mushrooms + garlic + thyme1 pound dried green split peas
carrot + potato + green beans + caulifloweruncured streaky bacon
vegetable broth + cornstarch + soy saucethyme
puff pastry + Gouda cheese + rosemary, za’atar
Sparkling waterSparkling water

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