The Dandy Horse

How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier. Welcome to ketodietrecipes who is now Following.

Prior to 1818, if you needed to travel, your options were limited to: horse-back, a wagon or carriage, or walking. Not surprisingly, most everyone walked. And, not surprisingly, those walkers did not usually go very far. But in Germany, two inventors tried to change that. Baron Karl Drais and Otto Schillinger came up with a wooden seat over two wheels. The rider would straddle the seat, stretch their legs to the ground, and move the vehicle forward with their feet [think: Flintstone car]. They called it the Laufmaschine, German for ‘running machine.’ To the language-challenged English speaker, it looks like ‘laugh machine.’ And people did laugh, but they also rode the machine. It was popular all over Europe despite the fact that, due to lack of adjustability, each machine had to be built to fit the owner. It was variously called the Draisienne and the derogatory Dandy Horse. An adjustable seat was developed, but it never caught on. As you will have guessed, the machine was improved in the 1860s by French inventors who added pedals and a chain drive. It was manufactured by the Michaud company and ushered in true human-powered transport. Today you will see toddlers riding a plastic version of the laufmaschine. Bicycles are making a come-back in urban centers and with the rise of E-Bikes, one can get quality exercise from childhood to old age.

People laughed at those riding a dandy horse. People who rode it no doubt laughed with glee. Our breakfast food involves laughing and our dinner will make you gleeful. Both meals are dandy. Burn a few calories today on a bike. Eat fewer calories today as you Fast.

Laughing Herb Bake: 129 calories 6.5 g fat 1 g fiber 9 g protein 6 g carbs 94 mg Calcium NB: The food values given above are for the egg bake and fruit only, not the optional beverages.PB GF So rich! So creamy! So low in calories!

One 2-oz egg ½ wedge Laughing Cow low-fat cheese 2 Tbsp fresh herbs OR 1 Tbsp dried ½ Tbsp low-fat ricotta cheese 3 oz melon  Optional:  5 oz fruit smoothie or berry-yogurt smoothie [88 calories] Optional: blackish coffee [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait [65 calories] or lemon in hot water

Spritz a ramekin with non-stick spray. Set the toaster oven at 350 F. Cream the cheeses together with the herbs. Whisk in the egg and salt/pepper to taste. Pour into the ramekin and bake at 350 F. 12-15 minutes. Plate the fruit, prepare the optional beverages, and find something that makes you laugh.

Korean Seafood Pancakes “Haemul Pajean”: 266 calories 2 g fat 5.6 g fiber 33 g protein 37 g carbs 88 mg Calcium  PB What’s not to love about this pancake, plump with yummy seafood and served with a savory sauce?

¼ cup white whole wheat flour ½ cup water 1 egg white 1½ oz scallion, sliced 4½ oz cooked seafood – all one type or a mixture [ex: shrimp, chopped into ½” pieces, if large; lobster, chopped into ½” pieces or use smaller shreds; flounder, flaked] Per serving: 2 oz tomato dipping sauce** or commercially-available spicy sauce

Whisk flour, water, and egg white until well-blended. Combine the seafoods in a bowl with the scallions. Heat a non-stick pan [I found a ceramic pan to work very well] and pour in ½ of the batter. Swirl it around so that it covers the bottom. Quickly sprinkle half of the seafood/scallion mixture over the top of the pancake before it sets. Cook for 6-8 minutes, then flip and cook until beginning to brown. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Pile the cooked pancakes on top of each other and cut into wedges. Serve with tomato wedges and 2 Tbsp dipping sauce**.

**Dipping Sauce [HINT: THIS IS ENOUGH FOR 2-3 SERVINGS]   3 Tbsp soy sauce 2 tsp rice vinegar 3 Tbsp chives, chopped pinch crushed red pepper flakes pinch sugar Combine in a micro-wave-safe bowl and heat until sugar dissolves.

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