Slow Days: War Cake

People who are new to Fasting often pose the questions: “Can I really eat ‘anything I want’ on a Slow Day?” and “What should I eat on Slow Days?” To answer those questions, I have decided to add some blog posts to show some of the foods we eat on what the world calls NFDs [non-fast days] but which, in our house, we call ‘Slow Days.’

Now for the answers. Can you really eat ANYTHING you want on a Slow Day? Not really. If you eat too many calories every Slow Day, you will not lose weight. There are many questions asked on the Fast Diet Forum which attest to that. Once in a while you can splurge, as long as it isn’t everyday. For what to eat on Slow Days, Dr. Mosley recommends a Mediterranean Diet. As for how we eat, an example follows.

From a war-time cookbook, World War I.

During World War 1 and World War II, the people on the home front in Great Britain, Canada, and the US shared in the war effort. They donated metal to make munitions, they saved cooking fat and sent it to use as a lubricant for machinery. And most of all, they endured years of food scarcity since food was diverted to the troops. At home, eggs, butter, sugar, cheese, and meat were rationed. Each household received a ration card which was taken to the store to determine how you could shop. Each week, the grocer would dole out the commodities needed to run a home kitchen, and it was not enough. Here was the weekly rations per adult in Canada:

  • sugar: one cup (the average Canadian eats twice that much today)
  • butter: four ounces (one-quarter pound)
  • tea: two ounces, or coffee: eight ounces (because these items came from other countries)
  • meat: 24-32 ounces (less than five ounces per day)
  • beer, spirits and wine were also rationed, the amount varying between provinces [PEI still had total Prohibition until 1947]

Cooks became creative. No butter? Lard would substitute in baked goods. No milk? Water or tea might suffice. No sugar? Try molasses. No eggs? Oh bother.

From those privations came ‘War Cake,’ a special bake to make a family celebration more festive in trying times. A housewife had to plan ahead for it, saving out a bit of sugar for weeks before baking. This recipe is from Maritime Canada, where it was often served at Christmas, and still is in some families. In the baking division at the Dundas Plowing Contest in PEI, one category is ‘war cake.’ So I tried this last year and it was a winner — literally and figuratively. It won 1st Prize and has been popular when served to friends and family.

12 servings, 1 cake Preheat oven to 325 F/165 C.  Grease and flour a tube/loaf/Bundt pan.
1 c water/herbal tea
1 c raisins + dried apricots
1/2 c light molasses
1/3 c/5 Tbsp sugar
1/3 c lard
If using dried apricots, dice them. Or use all raisins.
Bring these to a boil in a saucepan.
Reduce heat to low, and simmer until raisins are plump, ~5 minutes.
Let cool, but not so much that the lard solidifies.
1.5 c white whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1.5 tsp cinnamon
Whisk together in a bowl. 
Stir flour mixture into raisin mixture until well combined.
Pour into prepared baking pan.
Bake until a toothpick inserted near center comes out clean, ~1 hour, less if baked in tube pan.

Serve with slices of Cheddar Cheese and a cup of tea. Splendid for breakfast, elevenses, tea time, or dessert. Enjoy a taste of the past.

Religions: Islam

How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier.

Muhammad ibn Abdullah was born into a prosperous family in Mecca in the year 570 CE. He hardly had a chance to know his family. His father had died before he was born. For his first five years, he lived with a nomadic Bedouin family in the desert. One yer after he returned to his mother, she died. Two years after that, his guardian grandfather died. Then he went to live with an uncle. There he learned to manage camel caravans that plied the trade routes — the ancient Arabian equivalent of owning a long-haul trucking firm. Muhammad became wealthy and gained a loving wife, Khadijah. She herself was rich and influential and 15 years older than her husband. As a respite from his busy life, Muhammad would visit a cave outside of town to meditate and relax for one month each year. In the year 610, when he was in the cave, Muhammad dreamed that an angel came to him, insisting that the man “Read!” Not knowing how to read, Muhammad said that he could not. Finally, the angel dictated a verse which Muhammad said became imprinted on his heart. He hurried home in a state of fear to tell his wife what happened. She comforted him and took the tale to her uncle. Uncle Waraqah was a Christian and a Hebrew scholar. He assured his niece and her husband that the angel was Gabriel and that the message was from The God [known in their language as Allah]. Muhammad began to speak his revelations to his family, and later his friends. All believed him, becoming the first adherents of Islam. His teachings that there is but one God, put him in conflict with local Quraysh tribe, those who guarded the Kaaba. Tradition said that the Kaaba was built by Abraham [patriarch of Judaism and Christianity] and his son Ismael to house a Black Stone that fell from heaven and was given to them by Gabriel. The site was holy to the Bedouin tribes and the building was decorated with statues to many gods. Muhammud and his followers were persecuted and driven from Mecca to Medina. There many more people followed the new religion of Islam, calling themselves Muslims. A treaty with the Quraysh, who had gathered 40 assassins to kill Muhammud, permitted Muslims to make their annual visit to the Kaaba. When the the bargain was broken, the Muslims attacked and gained the city. The gods of the non-believers were thrown out. Expecting death, the Meccans were astonished to be released. From 610-632 CE, Muhammad received words from Allah which he wrote down in the Quran. The final verse was received and recorded within a few weeks of the death of the Prophet on June 22, 633. Islam spread rapidly from the Arabian Peninsula, reaching from China to Spain within 90 years. It is the second largest religion in the world. At the core of their faith are the Five Pillars. Throughout the centuries, Muslims valued knowledge and became great scholars during the time that Europe was in the Dark Ages. It is a pity that the three religions that stem from Abraham cannot see eye to eye, since they preach essentially the same messages.

Islam began in the Levant, so we begin our day with a meal of Levantine ingredients. The Prophet and his initial followers were Arabs, so our dinner contains ingredients that they would have enjoyed.

Levantine ScrOmelette: 142 calories 8 g fat 1 g fiber 10 g protein 5 g carbs 50.5 mg Calcium  NB: Food values shown are for the ScrOmelette and fruit only, and do not include the optional beveragesPB GF  These fine ingredients yield a flavorful result. The sun rising in the East will smile on you.

1 ½ eggs HINT: If you are serving one person, crack three 2-oz eggs into a small bowl or glass measuring cup. Whip up those eggs and pour half of their volume, into a jar with a lid and put it in the ‘fridge for next week.  1 Tbsp mediterranian vegetables, chopped 1.5 tsp hummus** 1 black olive, minced 1 oz strawberries   Optional: blackish coffee [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait [65 calories] or lemon in hot water  Optional: 5 oz fruit smoothie or berry-yogurt smoothie [88 calories]

Whisk the eggs, then stir in the hummus and vegetables. Pour into a saute pan which has been spritzed with non-stick spray and scramble to your taste or prepare as an omelette. Pour the optional beverages and plate with the berries.

**HUMMUS: makes 2 cups 1 Tbsp = 27 calories 1.5 g fat 0.6 g fiber 0.5 g protein 3 g carbs 1 mg Calcium ¼ c =  108 calories 6 g fat 2.4 g fiber 2 g protein  12 g carbs 4 mg Calcium PB GF  Recipe from Mollie Katzen’s Moosewood Cookbook

1 can chickpeas, drained + rinsed 4 cloves garlic, smashed 1½ tsp salt 4 tsp lemon juice 5 T tahini pepper + cayenne ¼ c chopped scallions/onions

Put everything in the food processor and whizz until smooth. Taste for seasonings. Freezes well. Variation: Add a few slices of cooked beet to obtain an amazing pink color.

Arabian Spiced Chicken:  297 calories 4 g fat 5.4 g fiber 24.4 g protein 46 g carbs 35 mg Calcium  PB GF  Using ingredients originally from the region, it is possible to craft a very authentic meal that could have been enjoyed by ancient Arabs. They would have eaten by grasping the stew with the flat-bread called fatir — but on a Fast Day, we will choose a fork. TIP: This recipe makes enough for 2 [two] meals.

6 oz chicken thigh meat, boneless, skinless 2/3 cups water 1/3 cup chicken broth 1.5 tsp Hawayij spice  1/3 cup dry quick-cooking barley   Per serving: 5 oz watermelon on baby spinach leaves OR 3 deglet noor dates + 5 oz watermelon cubes

Skin and bone the chicken thigh and cut it into 1” chunks. Heat a non-stick skillet and spritz it with non-stick spray. Sprinkle the chicken with the spice and saute it until partly cooked. To the pan, add the water and heat it, scraping up any brown bits from the bottom. Stir in the dry barley. Put a lid on the pan and simmer for 10-12 minutes. Add the chicken broth and stir gently until everything is heated through. Plate with the dates and watermelon on the side. Sprinkle the stew with more Hawayij if you like. The peppery stew is fabulous with the cool, crisp melon and the sweet, musky dates. What an Arabian Delight.

Ingredients for next week: Breakfast, single portion for Monday …………………………… single portion for Thursday:

1 two-oz egg2 two-oz eggs  + sweet onion
Vache qui Rit/Laughing Cow cheesebeef or chicken stock
herbs — fresh or driedsoy sauce + mirin + scallion
ricotta cheese, lower fat + melon Japanese dried soba noodles [190 calories/2 oz]
optional smoothie
optional hot beverageoptional hot beverage

Dinner, single portion for Monday:………………………….. single portion for Thursday:

white whole wheat flour + egg white + scalliondried buckwheat Japanese noodles with yam + onion
tomato + shrimp + lobster or crab + flounder/fishsesame oil + carrot + celery + cabbage
soy sauce + rice vinegar + chivessoy sauce + spinach + raw shrimp
garlic + red pepper flakes + sugarS&B Japanese curry brick
Sparkling waterSparkling water

Eleanor Farjeon

How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier. Welcome to legendsfeedback1233 who is now Following.

Eleanor was born to be creative: her father was an author, her mother was an actor’s daughter. Eleanor was shy and frail, so she stayed in the attic and read books. When she was 22, she decided that she could write for a living — and she had to, since her father had died. She began with children’s books and poetry, and was successful from the start. Family and family memories influenced her work throughout her life. Eleanor collaborated with her brother-the- musician to write an operetta; with her brother-the-actor on four plays. World War I saw the death of friends, and a series of letters to a soldier on the front became her most popular book Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard. Poets and theater people were among her friends as Eleanor churned out 34 books. In her 1957 collection of poems and hymns, was a little thing she had penned in 1931. In 1971, it was sung by Cat Stevens and became an international hit. Have you guessed it yet? Morning Has Broken has leapt off the pages of hymnals as a popular song and a beloved hymn to nature. By the end of the 1950s, Farjeon had received three major awards for literature, two of which were created for the occasion. She died on June 5, 1965, secure in her legacy but unaware of the torrent of fame that her little hymn would bring.

Eleanor’s greatest hit evokes scenes of simplicity and comfort and pastoral peace. Our meals today are simple and comforting and derived from wholesome, natural ingredients.

Croissant & Fig: 186 calories 8 g fat 2 g fiber 5 g protein 23.5 g carbs 37.5 mg Calcuim  PB Who would imagine that one could even think of a croissant on a Fast Day?!? How ’bout half a croissant with some figs enrobed in dried ham? Ooh-la-la! That is a good breakfast! Dear Husband loved the figs-and-ham combo.  HINT: These ingredients serve 2 [two] people.

1 plain croissant weighing 2.5 oz 4 fresh figs or 4 dried Turkish figs [total weight = 2 oz/80 g] 0.7 oz Prosciutto   Optional: blackish coffee [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait [65 calories] or lemon in hot water 

Hours before: soak dried figs in water until they are soft. [Not necessary if you have fresh figs.] Gently heat the croissant. Slice the Prosciutto into four lengthwise strips and wrap them around the figs. Cut the warm croissant in half cross-ways. Distribute the food on the plates and enjoy with a hot beverage.

Cheese Souffle:  293 calories 19.5 g fat 1.4 g fiber 20 g protein 9.5 g carbs 290.5 mg Calcium PB GF – if using GF flour in Béchamel Few foods are as amazing as a good souffle, which rises to airy heights of flavor.  HINT: The recipe serves 2 [two] people.

2 egg yolks ½ cup Bechamel sauce, no cheese  2 egg whites 2 Tbsp chives/scallion green parts, snipped or sliced 2 oz Cheddar cheese, grated   per serving: 1½ oz green beans

Separate the eggs, being very careful not to get any yolk in the whites. Whisk the yolks with the bechamel, then stir in the cheese and chives, along with salt & pepper to taste. Heat the oven to 400 F. Whip the egg whites until they are stiff. Combine a half cup of the whites with the egg yolk mixture and gently whisk together. Fold remaining egg whites into the yolk mixture and pour into a 1-quart oven-safe dish. [I like to use a 1-quart glass casserole with straight sides, which fits in the toaster oven.] Being as gentle as possible, pour the souffle mixture into the ungreased/unbuttered/unoiled baking dish and smooth out the top a bit. Bake for 25 minutes. Cook the beans. Serve the souffle by scooping it out onto the plates. Some like a soft souffle, which will sink rapidly. I prefer mine to be cooked through yet still be creamy on the inside. Either way, absolutely delicious! 

Rhubarb Again!

How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier.

The rhubarb is up — way up by late May, so our town’s Rhubarb Festival will take place during the first weekend in June. The plants are so hardy, patiently waiting under the ground all winter, sleeping soundly under the 25″ of snow that fell in mid-March. We enjoy rhubarb as a beverage, as dessert, as a relish/chutney. During the heyday of the Silk Road from Constantinople to China, rhubarb roots were traded back and forth for their medicinal use. They were more valuable than silk. Soon, I will be in pie-baking mode: for the Pie Contest, for the Bake Sale, and for our freezer. But on a Fast Day, Rhubarb is not just for pie, although it is nicknamed the “Pie Plant.” Here is rhubarb for breakfast and rhubarb sauce at dinner. Win-win! Rhubarb is always a winner!

NB: If you love rhubarb as much as I do, visit for a monthly dose of rhubarb lore and recipes.

Yogurt Creme Brulee: 208 calories 2 g fat 2.5 g fiber 19 g protein 28 g carbs 115.6 mg Calcium   NB: Food values given are for the plated foods only, and do not include the optional beveragePB GF  Let’s have dessert for breakfast! A Bobby Flay dessert was the inspiration for this breakfast recipe.  HINT: This makes enough for 2 [two] servings.

You will need a small blowtorch to caramelize the sugar. You CANNOT use the broiler for this or you will melt the yogurt.
8 oz Greek yogurt, skim
½ tsp vanilla
Stir yogurt and vanilla in a medium bowl until combined. Cover and refrigerate 30+ mins to allow the flavors to meld.
1 cup rhubarb mush or berries
2 Tbsp water + 1 tsp sugar
½ tsp lemon juice
Put 2 cups sliced rhubarb in a pan with 1/2 cup water. Simmer until just softened, ~10 mins. Add sugar and stir to mash rhubarb. –OR–
Put berries in a small saucepan and add water. Simmer until just softened, ~5 mins. Add sugar and stir in the lemon juice. Let cool. 
2 ramekins
¼ c rolled oats, toasted
Divide fruit between the ramekins. Toast oats in a dry skillet and sprinkle on the fruit. Fill with yogurt. Cover and freeze 5 mins.
2 tsp turbinado sugar per ramekinSprinkle sugar over each ramekin. Caramelize by slowly sweeping the blowtorch flame back and forth. Let sugar harden, ~2 mins.

In addition: 1 oz 3%-fat ham slice  Optional: blackish coffee [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait [65 calories] or lemon in hot water 

While the ramekins are in the freezer, cut the ham slice into ribbons and quickly cook in a dry skillet. Plate the ramekin with a wreath of ham around it. A fine mix of opposite flavors, temperatures, and textures.

Halibut with Rhubarb Relish: 182 calories 5.5 g fat 1.5 g fiber 25 g protein 6.4 g carbs 82 mg Calcium  PB GF Whether you bake or broil or grill the fish, a fruit relish makes for a splendid topping. The idea for the Rhubarb Agrodolce came from Todd English in his Olive’s Table.

4 oz halibut filet 4 spears asparagus OR side salad with beets + cukes  2 Tbsp Rhubarb Agrodolce

Pan sear the fish in a lightly-oiled cast iron skillet for 4 minutes per side over medium-high heat. In the meantime, prepare the asparagus or salad. Plate and spoon the fruit relish onto the fish. Believe me, you will eat this fish “with relish.”

Rhubarb Agrodolce:  makes 2 cups  per fluid ounce [2 Tbsp]: 23 calories 1 g fat 0.6 g fiber 0.3 g protein 3 g carbs 27 mg Calcium PB GF From Todd English.

1.5 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and minced
½ cup onion, chopped
1 pound rhubarb, chopped in ½” dice
Spray a non-stick pan with cooking spray. Add the ginger and cook for 4-5 minutes. Add the onion and cook for 4-5 minutes. Add the rhubarb and cook for 4-5 minutes.
1 Tbsp butter
¾ cup hard cider
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp fresh rosemary, chopped
Add each item one at a time, stirring thoroughly after each addition. Bring to a low boil and cook until reduced by half – about 10-15 minutes.
1.5 tsp brown sugarAdd sugar and stir to combine.

Ingredients for next week: Breakfast, single portion for Monday …………………………… single portion for Thursday:

one plain butter croissant weighing 2.5 oz 1.5 two-oz eggs  + strawberries
Turkish figs, fresh or driedhummus: canned chickpeas + garlic + tahini….
prosciutto….lemon juice + pepper + cayenne pepper + onions
Mediterranian Vegetables 
optional smoothie
optional hot beverageoptional hot beverage

Dinner, single portion for Monday:………………………….. single portion for Thursday:

two 2-oz eggs6 oz chicken thigh meat
Bechamel sauce, no cheesechicken broth + deglet noor dates
chives or scallionsHawayij spice  + watermelon
green beans + Cheddar cheesequick-cooking barley
Sparkling waterSparkling water

Shek Yeung, Pirate Queen

How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier. Welcome to melissaketodiet who is now Following.

She was born in the poorest province of China and served as a child prostitute, yet she rose to be the richest, most powerful woman of her time. She was Shek Yeung [aka: Ching Shih, Zheng Yi Sao, Shi Yang, Shi Xianggu], the Pirate Queen of the South China Sea. Wow. As a prostitute, she worked in a floating brothel in Canton harbor. Her beauty and elegance attracted many customers. Her ability to find out and to trade secrets made her important to influential people. When she was 26, a pirate leader named Zheng Yi either won her heart or forced her into marriage. Her status enabled her to negotiate a hefty bride price: control over half of her husband’s piracy enterprise. They married in 1801, and established a coalition of six pirate chiefs along the coast in 1804. Each group was known by the color of their flags –Shek Yeung and Zheng Yi commanded the Red Flag Fleet. But in 1808, Shek Yeung was a widow. Her tactical move was to join forces with the second in command, her late husband’s adopted son, Cheung Po Tsai. They married and continued marauding along the coast. Within a few years, Shek Yeung had 1800 large and small junks under her control, carrying 80,000 pirates! She was not merely “Cheung’s Widow” [one of her many names], she was respected and obeyed by all her men. Shek Yeung was also a thorn in the side of the colonial factions. The Portuguese and English banded together to subdue the pirates, with varying degrees of success. At last, in 1810, the Qing Dynasty had had enough. They negotiated with Shek Yeung: she could retire with impunity, earn a government appointment for her husband, and keep all her wealth if she would step down as Pirate Queen. She took the deal, leaving the South China Sea in relative peace. The Fragrant Lady retired to Macao, where she set up a gambling parlor [forerunner of today’s casinos in Macau?] and, unfortunately, a brothel, before she died in 1844. Remarkable life. Remarkable woman.

The famed pirate queen has been depicted in print, on TV [with Dr Who] and on film [Madame Ching in Pirates of the Caribbean]. The latest work about her, the highly-anticipated novel Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea, by Rita Chang-Eppig will come out on May 30, 2023.

Shek Yeung was from Guangzhou [formerly Canton] and so are today’s foods. Quickly-cooked fresh vegetables are a hallmark of the cuisine of Guangdong Province 广东省. Seafood also figures prominently in the region’s cooking, so we will have shrimp and crabmeat on the menu.

Foo Yung ScrOmelette: 150 calories 7.6 g fat 1.5 g fiber 13 g protein 8 g carbs 68 mg Calcium  NB: Food values shown are for the ScrOmelette and fruit only, and do not include the optional beverages.  PB GF  Here we take the Cantonese classic and prepare it for breakfast. Filling and nutritious.

1 ½ two-oz eggs  HINT: If you are serving one person, crack three 2-oz eggs into a small bowl or glass measuring cup. Whip up those eggs and pour half of their volume into a jar with a lid and put it in the ‘fridge for next week.  2 Tbsp crab meat    ¾ tsp soy sauce ¼ c mung bean sprouts ¼ oz mushrooms green parts of one scallion, sliced ¼ tsp ground ginger splash of hot sauce 1 oz applesauce   OR 1 oz pear Optional: blackish coffee [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait [65 calories] or lemon in hot water  Optional: 5 oz fruit smoothie or berry-yogurt smoothie [88 calories]

The night before, combine the crab, soy, sprouts, mushrooms, scallion, ginger and hot sauce in a small bowl. Next morning, spritz a non-stick saute pan with oil or non-stick spray and briefly cook the crab mixture to heat it thoroughly. Whisk the eggs with salt and pepper and pour into the pan, scrambling to incorporate the crab mixture. Cook to your favorite degree of doneness. [Alternately, cook like pancakes: put half of the crab mixture in the pan, then pour half of the egg on top. When done on the bottom, turn to cook the top. Repeat with other half of ingredents.] Dish up the fruit, brew your hot beverage, and prep the smoothie. And your fortune cookie says: “You will lose weight.”

Wonton Soup: 257 calories 34 g fat 1 g fiber 23.5 g protein 29 g carbs 25 mg Calcium   PB Cantonese wonton soup can be your’s, easily and without the extra salt or MSG. I prepared the entire batch of filling, then stuffed and poached all 26 wontons. Frozen, they will be the ‘instant’ source of future meals or an addition to a Dim Sum assortment.

Filling: 4 oz ground pork 4 oz chicken meat ½ tsp cornstarch ¾ tsp sugar 1 tsp sesame oil ¼ tsp white pepper ¾ tsp salt 1 Tbsp water 1 Tbsp sherry 4 oz shrimp, chopped to the size of green peas

Combine all ingredients except the shrimp in the bowl of a food processor and mince to a paste. Stir in the shrimp. Refrigerate until ready to fill the wontons. TIP: Can be made the day before.

Wontons: wonton skins are small squares of egg-roll wrappers 5 wonton skins per bowl of soup = 26 skins for the entire batch

Put 4-6 wonton skins on a cutting board. Moisten two edges of one of the squares. Place 1 Tbsp of filling on the square, fold over to make a triangle, and pinch the sides together. Set aside until ready to poach them.

Poaching filled wontons: Bring a pan of water to boil. Depending on the diameter of the pan, add wontons 4-5 at a time. They will sink to the bottom of the pan. When they float to the surface [in 4-5 minutes], fish them out and put on a tea towel to drain.

To finish the soup: 1.5 cups delicious chicken stock 1.5 oz cabbage in strips 5 wontons 1 Tbsp sliced scallion Heat the stock to a simmer and add the cabbage. Cover and simmer until the cabbage is cooked. Put 5 poached wontons in the bowl, add the stock and cabbage, sprinkle with scallion. Pass the soy sauce.

Saint Bede

How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier.

Who was the premier historian of Medieval England? The Venerable Bede. Who was the leading authority on scripture in Medieval England? The Venerable Bede. Who wrote the first translation of Saint John’s Gospel into ‘English’? The Venerable Bede. Who was this guy?? Bede was born near Jarrow, England in 673, a time when the Romans had departed, the Vikings had not yet arrived, and England was a melting pot of Angles, Saxons, Jutes. At age seven, his parents turned him over to the Benedictines for his education. Young Bede was a voracious learner and very devout, so at age 19 he was ordained as a deacon although he did not become a priest until he was 30. As a monk, Bede lead daily Mass, worked in the bakery, at the farm, and still had time for scholarship. To Bede, prayer and fasting were important parts of his devotion, but he maintained that loving one’s neighbor was as important as loving God. Despite invitations to visit and preach at other monasteries, Bede was almost like an anchorite in his refusal to leave the Jarrow area. He even turned down an invitation to visit the pope in Rome. So the world came to him. From all over England and parts of Europe. Through it all, Bede studied. He wrote 45 books on scripture and his seminal text: the five volume Ecclesiastical History of Britain in 731. Bede worked to solve the thorny issue of knowing the date for Easter and he was the first to discuss time based on years since the birth of Christ [Anno Domini]. Much as he loved learning, Bede said that “It is betters to be a stupid and uneducated brother who, working at the good things he knows, merits life in heaven, than to be one who –  though being distinguished for his learning in the Scriptures, or even holding the place of a teacher – lacks the bread of love.” We should all remember that.

The residents of monasteries ate a lot of fish. To meet a year-round need, fish was smoked or brined or dried to preserve it. Today’s meals rely on smoked fish for their flavor.

Kippered Yorkshire Pudding:  226 calories 5 g fat 6 g fiber 11 protein 33.5 g carbs 102 mg Calcium   HINT: This is enough for 2 [two] servings. Nothing says Yorkshire like the iconic pudding and kippers. This is a meal to eat at home or to take on the road for a get-away breakfast.

1 oz kippered herring ½ cup 1% milk 1 rounded tsp high gluten flour ½ cup white whole wheat flour [or all-purpose, for lower protein and fiber] one 2-oz egg ½ tsp dry mustard ¼ tsp salt 3 oz pear   Optional: blackish coffee [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait[65 calories] or lemon in hot water 

Soak kippered herring in water for 30+ minutes. Drain and mince. Whisk the milk, flours, egg, mustard and salt until combined, but do not over-mix. Spray a 7” pie plate with cooking-spray and sprinkle in some kippers. Carefully pour in the Yorkshire Pudding batter, then sprinkle with the remaining kippers. Bake at 400 F for 15-20 minutes, until puffed and golden. Cut into 4 pieces. Plate two pieces per person along with the pear. What a flavor combination!

Finnen Haddie with Cabbage:  287 calories 12.5 g fat 6.5 g fiber 25.5 g protein 18 g carbs 250 mg Calcium   PB GF – if using GF flour in the Bechamel  The flavor of smoked haddock is so marvelous that it elevates the humble cabbage to new heights.

3 cups sliced cabbbage and/or kale 1/3 cup [100 ml] Bechamel sauce, without cheese nutmeg 2½ oz finnen haddie [smoked haddock], skin removed ½ oz Brie or Camembert cheese, chopped

Cook the cabbage, covered, in boiling water for around 10 minutes. Drain, saving some of the water. [use remaining water for baking] Place the Bechamel, 2-3 Tbsp of the cabbage water, and the finnen haddie in a pan and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the fish and break into pieces less than an inch in size. Add the cooked cabbage to the sauce with a sprinkle of nutmeg, and stir until well-combined. Add the fish and turn into an oven-safe dish. Strew the cheese bits on top and bake at 375 F for 10 minutes or until the cheese melts. Sigh. Delicious.

Ingredients for next week: Breakfast, single portion for Monday …………………………… single portion for Thursday:

1.5 two-oz eggs + apple or pear rhubarb + vanilla
crab meat + soy sauceplain fat-free Greek yogurt
mung bean sprouts3%-fat ham + rolled oats
mushrooms + scallionlemon juice + turbinado sugar
ground ginger + hot sauceoptional smoothie
optional hot beverageoptional hot beverage

Dinner, single portion for Monday:………………………….. single portion for Thursday:

pork + chicken + sugar + sherryhalibut
wonton wrappers + scallionside salad or asparagus
chicken stock + cornstarchrhubarb agrodolce: onion, fresh ginger, rhubarb..
shrimp + sesame oil + cabbage …butter, hard cider, balsamic vinegar, rosemary, brown sugar
Sparkling waterSparkling water

Victor Hugo

How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier. Welcome to Ovat Friday who is now Following.

On May 22, 1885, Victor Hugo died and the Paris bourgeoisie went into mourning. Two million people formed a funeral procession to escort his body from the Arc de Triomphe to the Pantheon where he is interred. Why the acclamation? Hugo was the premier man of letters of the French Romantic period: protesting the monarchy in his plays, and moving readers to social action with his novels. He was born in 1802, in Besançon, Franche-Comté, and raised in Paris. His parents encapsulated the polar opposites of French society of the time: an anti-monarchy atheist and a pro-monarchy Catholic. His career began in poetry, which brought fame and early recognition. Novels followed, along with marriage to a childhood sweetheart. Then there were plays, produced to popular praise and condemnation from government censors. The Hugos had five children, none of whom lived into adulthood. During Hugo’s early life, he was a conservative and faithful Catholic, but his views changed in the late 1840s, as he became increasingly aware of the misery of life among the lower classes. In 1831, the novel Notre-Dame de Paris [Hunchback of Notre Dame] was published, with its anti-clerical plot and the memorable bell-ringer, Quasimodo. The book’s popularity called attention to the crumbling condition of the Cathedral of Notre Dame and lead to its much-needed restoration. Hugo made a name for himself as a politician, serving in the Assemblies and speaking against the death penalty. When the elected President of France declared himself to be Emperor Louis Napoleon III, Hugo denounced him as a traitor. It was then that Hugo moved his family to Belgium, fearing retribution. For 19 years, he lived in the Channel Islands, in self-imposed exile. During that time, he wrote the poem “Proscrit” with the touching refrain, “The month of May, without France, is not the month of May.” While there, he also finished Les Miserables, his crowning achievement of social activism. Upon his return to Paris, Hugo was elected to the Senate, but the fire had gone out of him. As a writer, he influenced authors as wide-spread as Dickens, Dostoevsky, and Camus. And of course his stories live on in movies and stage shows, still rousing people to the cause of social justice.

Bescacon has many cheeses, so we will have cheese with our eggs at breakfast. Jean ValJean, a major character in Les Miserables, was hounded for years for having stolen a loaf of bread. We will have bread at dinner for a sandwich.

Cheesy-Bake: 144 calories 8 g fat 1 g fiber 12 g protein 7 g carbs 183 mg Calcium  NB: The food values given above are for the egg bake and fruit only, not the optional beverages.  PB GF  This is the baked version of a cheese omelette that thinks that it is a cheese souffle! Delicious. 

One 2-oz egg ½ oz cheddar cheese, grated 1 Tbsp reduced fat ricotta cheese ½ c raspberries [If frozen, portion it into its dish the night before, so it will thaw by morning] OR 1½ oz apple, sliced  OR 1 oz grapes  Optional: blackish coffee [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait [65 calories]   Optional: 5-6 oz fruit smoothie or berry-yogurt smoothie [88 calories]

Spritz a ramekin/oven-safe dish with olive oil or non-stick spray. Heat the toaster oven at 350F. Stir the two cheeses together with a fork until blended and whisk with the egg. Without waiting, pour into the ramekin and bake for 12-15 minutes, until puffed and beginning to brown. Prepare the fruit and your beverages of choice, and enjoy a cheesey start to your day.

Tuna Salad Sandwich, nouveau: 281 calories 9 g fat 4 g fiber 20 g protein 31 g carbs 91 mg Calcium  PB GF – if using a GF bun  Mayonnaise is an annoyance to me – I’d rather spend my calories on something else. So I came up with a different way to make tuna salad, improving the protein and Calcium along the way. Try it. HINT: These amounts make enough for three [3] sandwiches. Invite friends, or reserve the remaining tuna salad for a later lunch.

One 5-oz can white tuna in water [4.5 oz drained/ 115 g/ ¾ cup] 1 hard-boiled egg 4 Tbsp 2%-fat cottage cheese 2 Tbsp chopped celery 2 Tbsp chopped onion salt and pepper   per serving: 1 hot dog bun   ¼ cup 4-bean salad + ½ ear corn on the cob

Drain the tuna and turn it into a bowl. Break up the tuna with a fork. Chop the egg and add it to the tuna along with the cottage cheese, celery, onion, salt and pepper. Stir to incorporate. Boil the corn for 8 minutes. Divide the tuna salad into three equal portions. Put tuna salad into as many hot dog buns as needed for the meal and plate with the vegetables. Refrigerate any left over tuna salad to enjoy it another day soon.

Slow Days: A Late Spring Dinner

People who are new to Fasting often pose the questions: “Can I really eat ‘anything I want’ on a Slow Day?” and “What should I eat on Slow Days?” To answer those questions, I have decided to add some blog posts to show some of the foods we eat on what the world calls NFDs [non-fast days] but which, in our house, we call ‘Slow Days.’ This feature will appear sporadically. 

Now for the answers. Can you really eat ANYTHING you want on a Slow Day? Not really. If you eat too many calories every Slow Day, you will not lose weight. There are many questions asked on the Fast Diet Forum which attest to that. Once in a while you can splurge, as long as it isn’t everyday. For what to eat on Slow Days, Dr. Mosley recommends a Mediterranean Diet. As for how we eat, an example follows.

Early May is the mid-way point between the Vernal Equinox [start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere] and the Summer Solstice [start of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere] — so why not have a special meal? Floral-themed, of course. And since the coronation of King Charles III occasioned much discussion of the Coronation Quiche, that would be the main course. Although I tried to stick to the original recipe, some changes had to be made: 1] No lard to be found, so I prepared the crust using all butter. 2] The amount of milk given was insufficient to moisten the crust ingredients, so I added more, once tablespoon at a time, followed by more water until it was right. 3] In the UK, a ‘large’ egg is larger than a US ‘large’ egg. So I provided the weight of the egg so you will have sufficient liquid in the quiche. 4] I recommend using Half&Half or Blend Cream instead of Heavy/Whipping/Double cream. Same result, less saturated fat. 5] The original recipe has the white beans tossed in whole. I mashed them so the texture would be more creamy. 6] The original recipe does not tell the cook to squeeze the excess liquid from the cooked spinach. This is a necessary step, so I included it. 7] After baking the quiche for the recommended 20-25 minutes, it was not quite set in the center and the top was colorless. I cooked it 10 minutes longer and it turned out very well. 8] Cheese type was unspecified, so I emphasized the upstart colonies and used American and Irish Cheddars. I would definitely prepare this again.

125g plain flour
Pinch salt
25g cold butter, diced
25g lard
125g white whole wheat flour Pinch salt 50g cold butter, dicedSift flour + salt into a bowl. Add fats and rub mixture together with finger tips until you get a sandy, bread crumb-like texture.
2 Tbsp milk 
OR use 250g of ready-made shortcrust pastry
5 Tbsp milk + waterAdd milk a bit at a time to bring ingredients together into a ball. Cover, rest in fridge 30-45 mins. Or overnight
On a lightly floured surface, roll pastry to a circle ~5mm thick, a bit larger than tin.
Line pan with pastry, mending any holes. Cover, rest 30 mins in fridge.
Preheat oven to 190°C./375F
OR MAKE A CRUSTLESS QUICHELine pastry with parchement + baking weights. Bake 15 mins. Remove paper, weights.
Lower oven to 160°C./320F 
125 ml milk 175 ml double/heavy cream two large UK eggs
Salt and pepper
125 ml milk 175 ml half + half two 2.7-oz eggs Salt and pepperWhisk together these ingredients, without making it frothy..
60g canned white beans30g canned white beans Puree or mash, add to egg mixture.
180g cooked spinach 
1 Tbsp fresh tarragon
180g cooked spinach 
1 Tbsp fresh tarragon
Squeeze spinach, roughly chop it along with tarragon. 
50 g grated cheese50 g grated Cheddar 
I used Irish Cheddar here
Scatter cheese on pie crust, top with spinach, then pour egg-bean mixture evenly over all.
50 g cheese50 g Cheddar cheese
I used Vermont Cheddar here
Sprinkle with cheese. Bake 20-35 mins until lightly golden, set — might take 10 mins more
1 of 6 Sv: 229 calories 18.6 g fat 0.8 g fiber 10 g protein 3.6 g carbs 208 mg Calcium CRUST 1/6: 134 calories 8.2 g fat 2.7 g fiber 2.7 g protein 14 g carbs 2.6 mg CalciumFILLING 1 of 6 Servings: 166 calories 11.4 g fat 0.8 g fiber 10.4 g protein 6 g carbs 220 mg Calcium ALL BUTTER CRUST 1/6: 127 calories 7.4 g fat 2.7 g fiber 2.7 g protein 14 g carbs 3.6 mg Calcium

To emphasize the floral theme of the meal, an Artistic Foccacio with vegetable flowers and a Panna Cotta for dessert, topped with a drizzle of Dandelion Jelly and decked with Candied Violets.

The dessert recipe is from I am very fond of make-ahead desserts.

makes 6 ramekins or 8 mini-Mason jarsLightly spray six ¾-cup ramekins or custard cups with nonstick spray or 8 mini-Mason jars with lids
2 tablespoons water 1½ tsp unflavored gelatinPour water into small bowl; sprinkle gelatin over. Let stand until gelatin softens, ~10 mins.
1 cup whipping cream
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon peel
½ cup sugar
Heat these in medium saucepan over med-high heat, stirring constantly until sugar dissolves. 
Increase heat and bring just to low boil, stirring occasionally. Do not over-heat the mixture!
Add gelatin mixture, take off heat. Stir until gelatin dissolves. 
Pour into a bowl. Cool mixture to lukewarm, stirring often. 
2 cups buttermilk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Stir in these. Divide mixture among ramekins. Refrigerate panna cotta until set, ~4 hours or overnight.


How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier.

When the American colonists rebelled against the British in 1776, not everyone was on board. The Torys were Americans with British sympathies who hoped the war would go their way. When it didn’t, they were in a pickle. The most prudent thing a family could do was to leave town before the town drove them out. Or worse. Now they called themselves Loyalists and they departed for other British colonies or returned to England. In New England, most of them went to Canada: Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island — often bringing their enslaved people with them. Those farthest away from the border lost everything except what they could carry. In far eastern Maine, Loyalists moved entire houses across the bay and set them up in Saint Andrews, New Brunswick. Two infamous Loyalists were Benedict Arnold and his wife. They removed to Campobello Island, NB, where they were told they would be feted. Arnold’s wife, socialite Peggy Shippen, hated provincial life, so they moved to England where they were scorned as traitors. Most of the Loyalists were honored in Canada and welcomed as new citizens — except for the 3000 Black Loyalists, who were promised freedom from enslavement and their own land to farm. That did not materialize, and the first ‘race riot’ in Canada was near Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where White locals tried to wipe out the Black settlers. Loyalists added to the culture. Houses with gambrel roofs were introduced from America, along with the “Federal” style of architecture. The great numbers of settlers lead to the division of Nova Scotia into two provinces — the other being New Brunswick. St John, NB became a city due to the Loyalist influx. In the Louise Penny books, the fictional town of Three Pines was settled by Loyalists in the late 1700s. New Brunswick, Canada celebrates Loyalist Day on May 18th every year.

Architecture wasn’t the only thing the Loyalists brought to a new land. Recipes from New England would have come too. Red Flannel Hash, baked beans, brown bread, Johnny Cakes — welcome foods anywhere they appear. But life in the Maritimes meant rubbing elbows with the French Acadians, and eating mussels [moules] might have rubbed off on the arriving settlers. Mussels are certainly popular there today.

Red Flannel Egg: 135 calories 5 g fat 2.5 g fiber 9 g protein 12 g carbs 48.5mg Calcium  NB: The food values given above are for the egg bake and fruit only, not the optional beverages. PB GF  Red Flannel Hash is a fine old New England dinner recipe. Here, for breakfast, we add an egg for more flavor and nutrition.  HINT: Serves 1 [one]

2 cups cooked beets, diced ½ c onion, diced ½ oz ham, diced two 2-oz eggs Optional: blackish coffee [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait [65 calories] or lemon in hot water   Optional: 5-6 oz fruit smoothie or berry-yogurt smoothie [88 calories]

Cook the ham and onion in a frying pan until ham is well-warmed. Remove the ham and dice it. Put beets in the pan with onion, and continue to cook until well warmed. In another pan, fry the egg. Plate the cooked vegetables, top with the egg, and serve with assurance. Very nice.

Moules Frites: 270 calories 5.5 g fat 2.5 g fiber 24.4 g protein 23 g carbs 110 mg Calcium PB GF In Belgium and France, folks are ga-ga over moules frites, and now it is possible to enjoy them on a Fast Day. HINT: This serves two [2], so invite a friend.

22 blue mussels in their shells, rinsed 3 Tbsp white wine ¼ c. whole milk 4 oz sweet potato 3 oz broccoli florets

Peel potato and cut into square batons, about 1/4” on a side. Spread on a baking sheet and spray with cooking spray. Bake at 400F for 10 minutes and take out of oven. Put mussels in a large pot, adding wine and ¼ cup water. Cover and cook at a boil 10 minutes, until shells are fully open and mussels look plump not stringy. Check potatoes for doneness. Salt generously. Put back in oven for 5-8 minutes if not fully cooked. Strain mussels and their liquid through a sieve, not a collander.** Put mussel liquid back into the pan and cook down to ½ cup. Add milk and simmer until thicker and reduced to 1/2 cup. Cook the broccoli to desired doneness. Divide mussels between serving bowls, pour the cream sauce over them, then top with frites and broccoli. **If you don’t want to deal with mussel shells on your plate, remove the cooked mussel meat from the shells, discard shells, and add the meat to the finished sauce.

Ingredients for next week: Breakfast, single portion for Monday …………………………… single portion for Thursday:

1 two-oz egg 1 two-oz egg  + 1%-fat milk
low-fat ricotta cheese1 oz kippered herring +dry mustard
raspberries or apple or grapeswhite whole wheat flour + high gluten flour
Cheddar cheesepear
optional smoothieoptional smoothie
optional hot beverage optional hot beverage

Dinner, single portion for Monday:………………………….. single portion for Thursday:

5 0z tuna canned in water + celery Finnen haddie [smoked haddock]
hard-boiled egg + 3 hot dog bunscabbage +/or kale + nutmeg
2%-fat cottage cheese + onionBechamel sauce, no cheese 
corn on the cob + 4-bean saladBrie or Camembert cheese
Sparkling waterSparkling water

Isadore, the Worker

How this Fast Diet Lifestyle works: Eat these meals tomorrow, for a calorie total of less than 600. On another day this week, eat the meals from a different post, another day of eating 600 calories or less. Eat sensibly the other days of the week. That’s it: a simple way to lose weight and be healthier. Welcome to ______ who is now Following.

Isadore was a peasant, a campesino, a farm worker. There is no other way to say it. He was born in 1070, near Madrid, Spain. He and his wife lived on land that was the property of a wealthy land-owner, and Isadore worked the fields for him. That was his life: doing the jobs that his boss ordered him to do, every day. His only break from work was found at church. Every day, Isadore would attend the first Mass of the day. This often made him late for work and once his co-workers complained to their patron. The employer went to the field, hoping to have a word with Isadore about not getting his work completed. To his astonishment, he saw his man plowing a furrow — and next to him was an angel from heaven plowing too. Thus Heaven supported Isadore in his work and his faith — and no one ever begrudged his time at prayer. All his life, Isadore was conscientious, generous, faithful, humble, dignified, and kind to humans and animals. He died on May 15, 1120. Twenty years after his burial, a flood washed his coffin from the ground. When it was opened, Isadore’s body was found to be incorruptible, at that time considered to be a sign of sainthood. He was canonized in 1622 and became one of the 5 Spanish Saints and the Patron Saint of Farmworkers.

Our meals today contain vegetables from the farm. Isadore was probably more involved with cereal grains, but every farm also has a vegetable patch for home use. The dinner is from the Basque Region of Spain: very Spanish and very good.

Zucchini Nests for Egg:  123 calories 7.5 g fat 1.5 g fiber 8 g protein 7.6 g carbs 52.5 mg Calcium  NB: The food values given above are for the egg and nest only, not the optional beverages.  PB GF Found this recipe online, then I changed it to fit our calorie restriction requirements.  HINT: This recipe makes enough for 2 nests which serve 2 people.

Serves 2
1 tsp olive oil
¼ cup diced onion
Cook onions in oil until lightly browned, 4-6 mins.
2 tsp fresh sage/1 tsp dried 
1 clove garlic
large pinch hot pepper flakes or 2 tsp New Mexico green chili
Chop fresh sage and jalapeno, if using.
Press or mince garlic. 
Add these and stir 30 secs.  
2 tsp cider vinegar
1 c. grated zucchini
pepper + ¾ tsp salt
Grate zucchini on a coarse hole of a box grater. Add these to the pan, cover and cook about 6 mins.
1 oz roasted red pepper, chopped 2 Tbsp parsley, choppedAdd roasted pepper and parsley. Cook 6 mins until zucchini is soft. HINT: Do this part the night before to save time in the morning.
Next morning: Divide cooked vegetables into two . Cover and heat 1 min.
2 two-oz eggs
salt and black pepper 
Uncover and break egg into each ‘nest.’ Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover and cook on the stove top 4-5 mins or until the eggs are cooked to your liking. 
Optional: blackish coffee [53 calories] or blackish tea or mocha cafe au lait [65 caloriesOptional: 5-6 oz fruit smoothie or berry-yogurt smoothie [88 calories]

Now that’s something different!

Omelette Basque: 274 calories 15 g fat 4.4 g fiber 16.5 g protein 20 g carbs 69.5 mg Calcium   PB GF – if using GF bread  A savory omelette is a wonderful dinner, any day of the week. Susan Herrmann Loomas’ French Farmhouse Cooking is the source of this delicious meal.  HINT: serves two [2].

4 two-oz eggs 8 oz Italian bell peppers, green +/or red, cut in 1”x2” pieces 1 tsp olive oil Espelette or Aleppo pepper, ground   per serving: one side salad with tomato 0.8 oz whole-wheat sourdough bread

Cut the peppers as described above. Heat the oil in a 10-12” saute pan along with some healthy sprays of non-stick spray. When the oil is hot, add the peppers and cook, tossing them to turn to the other sides, until they have blackened parts. Lightly salt and pepper the peppers. Remove and separate into two portions. Whisk the eggs. Divide the eggs into two equal portions and add a pinch of espelette or Aleppo pepper to each batch. Put the pan back on the heat and add one portion of the peppers. Arrange them so that they are evenly distributed on the pan. When the pan is sizzling, add one portion of the eggs to the pan. Tilt the pan around so the eggs flow over the bottom and around the peppers. As the sides cook, lift the edge and let uncooked egg go to the bottom of the pan. Lightly salt and pepper the eggs. As the top just sets, remove the pan from the heat. Lift up one-third of the omelette and fold it over the rest. Fold the other side over the center, too, and ease the omelette onto a plate. Cook the other omelette right away. Plate with the salad and the bread. Everything you want in a dinner: delicious, quick, healthy.